Embrace Autumn

Coorie: So Much More than Hygge


A little concept called Coorie is helping the cotswolds take over as the happiest place on earth. 


Imagine days spent horse riding through open meadows, deep forests and tiny towns lined with thatched roof cottages. Ending the day in layers upon layers of tweed. And finishing your night at a country pub with a  fish and chips and pint to warm you from the inside. Live music and singing add to the good fun.

It’s in our nature to seek out happiness wherever we go.

In Denmark (the happiest country in the world) they have hygge. When the air develops a chill, they look for small comforts to survive the long, cold nights. Like hot cocoa drunk by candlelight, it’s the epitome of coziness.

But the UK has something even better. It’s called Coorie and it doesn’t just draw on aesthetics, it’s rooted in hundreds of years of British history.

The Art of Coorie teaches us how to be happy through simple pleasures.

C​oorie is about ​learning to live better using what is around you.  A coorie way of life practices small, quiet, slow activities by engaging with our surroundings to feel happy. This is easy to do even in California when we can make our homes cozy.

After the heat and light fueled social activity of summertime, our prana softens. Our energy levels decrease, inviting us to slow down and take time to reflect on our experiences and refine our focus for the coming months. Think of it as an end to summer exhale. A grounding down after the higher times of summer and a moment to enjoy the changing colors as we shed what no longer serves us.

The Scots’ word has always meant cuddling up or snuggling in – now it applies to a lifestyle. So how can we achieve coorie?  iI’s all about getting in tune with our surroundings.

Here are some Coorie-filled activities I  bring home with me as we head into fall the holiday season.


1.     Cook a traditional meal:  Coorie cooking can be a truly special experience. Spend a day in the kitchen with some traditional old recipes. 


2.  Bag a munro. Fancy a wee hike? Why not tackle one of the many hikes outdoors wherever we live?

It may sound daunting, but clambering our way to the top will lift our spirits sky high. It’ll be tough. But the act of walking is a meditative one and our sense of satisfaction will only grow when we see those views.

And who could be unhappy on top of a mountain they just climbed?


3. Mount a horse and experience the outdoors form above the ground. Horses are amazing animals , just like dogs, they sense our emotions and reflect them back to us. If we are nervous, they get jumpy, but if we take a deep breath and relax we let them know that all is going to be ok. Horse riding is not only thrilling , but helps us stay in touch with our emotions, as we hack out for the day.  it’s a moving mediation.


4. Slow down and sit by your fire with a cup of tea, pat a small place on the couch and invite a friend to “coorie in.”   Maybe snuggle in with a good book or old movie!


5. Use our hands to make something. 
Knitting, writing, and all crafts help us live a more creative and simple life.


6. Decorate our home with an Autumn cozy vibe.We live in a materialistic world, so don’t feel bad about spending  a little to add a few gold or orange  colors and a sheep skin to our décor to give our home a metaphysical aura of warmth.